C SI Group, LLC is an investigative and Risk Management advisory firm to a global network of clients. Headquartered in New York, CSI Group LLC is structured to help clients overcome a variety of challenges by offering a wide range of advisory services including Risk and Threat Assessments and Security Planning as well as comprehensive Investigative Services.
The CSI team is drawn from diverse disciplines and include, Intelligence Analysts, Education and Healthcare Consulting, Digital Forensic Analysts, Forensic Auditors, Questioned Document Examiners Detectives and Federal Agents.
One of the foundational areas of expertise and experience is Risk Assessment and Security planning for schools.
CSI Group LLC maintains strategic relationships with high-end peer firms across the United States and Worldwide. These relationships significantly expand our geographic reach and allows us to leverage the local language, culture and contacts necessary to support our client’s complex international needs.
CSI Group LLC and their management team are members of the following organizations:
- National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
- InfraGard-Partnership for Protection
- American Society of Industrial Security
- United States Association of Professional Investigators
- Association of Threat Assessment Professionals
- National Association of Investigative Specialists
- Operation Found Safe-Child Sex Trafficking Investigations
- United States Equestrian Federation
- Association of Health Care Risk Management Professionals
- FBI Citizens Academy